How to: RClone copy files from google drive link
When you have moved from Google Photos to a self-hosted solution, you will sometimes get Google Drive links from photographers, and then…
Building “Digit Tutor” — Part 3: Internationalization
“Digit Tutor” — a simple online game for kids in Svelte, which uses speech recognition engine to train pronounciation of digits: from “0” to…
Building “Digit Tutor” — Part 2: Speech Recognition
“Digit Tutor” — a simple online game for kids in Svelte, which uses speech recognition engine to train pronounciation of digits: from “0” to…
Building “Digit Tutor” — Part 1: Svelte
“Digit Tutor” — a simple online game for kids in Svelte, which uses speech recognition engine to train pronounciation of digits: from “0” to…
Collection of Website Quality Checklists
Here is a collection of “website checklists”, related to multiple areas of interest: Conversion Checklist — A 41 point checklist to make…
Merge Sorted Lists — Coding Task Solution
Let’s discuss the following task: Given sorted single-linked lists, merge them into one sorted single-linked list. Sample: Intro Let’s…
How to: SMB Over SSH
When you have SMB (Samba) share in some local network, e.g. at home, and do not want to explicitly share it online, you can set up SSH…
Coding Music & Radios List
Since I like listening to music, sometimes, I find radios or streams of music, that claims it’s “for development”. I like listening to those…
Links Useful for Work
This is a list of links, that I plan to show to this or that person from my work. I keep it here, in order to tell them to just open my blog…
List Permutations — Coding Task Solution
Task: given a string (e.g. “abc”), print out all possible permutation of its characters. There are two major variations of this task: one…
To Do
This is a todo list, that I use to build this site. Eventually, all the items should be done. Really important things: Migrate content (and…
NPM vs Yarn in 2019
It looks like there still is some uncertainty between using npm and yarn, even in 2019. I think, I’ve resolved this uncertainty. Based on…
About Me
My name is Rustem Mustafin. Currently, I work as a PM at Akvelon. This page will mostly cover my professional skills, however, I also have a…